Monday, August 10, 2015

Mani Swap with @color_obsessed30!

Hey y'all! Today on the blog I have a mani swap to share with you! This was a part of my monthly collab with some nail friends of mine where we are randomly paired up via and swap manis. I always look forward to doing these because it really pushes me to try new combos. This month was no exception. I was paired up with @color_obsessed30 who had done a beautiful nude animal print skittle mani that I fell in love with. Keep reading to find out how I completed my mani - and make sure you go check her out on Instagram and show her some love!

I started off with a base coat of Zoya Leah - one of the beautiful neutrals from the Satin line that they released earlier this year. Its this nude that sometimes looks sort of pink and sometimes looks sort of grey. If grey and pink had a baby....

Anyway, I put two coats of Zoya Leah down and let it dry - then I went back in with my smallest dotting tool and some black acrylic paint to make the...leopard? print. Its been brought to my attention that a lot of us in the western part of the world have confused both ourselves and Google on which is cheetah and which is leopard. I believe cheetah has a spot in the middle with irregular black around it and leopard is like a negative space version. Haha. 

I replicated what @color_obsessed30 did by completely covering my pinkie and ring with the spots and then doing a ruffian version on my index and middle. Once the acrylic paint was dry, I top coated with Seche Vite and that's it! Such a simple nail art tutorial that makes a big, chic statement. I wore this for two full days because I loved it so much. 

What do you guys think of this mani? What are some of your favorite nudes to wear? 

Thanks for reading! 
**Want to see more? Make sure to follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for more swatches and nail art!**


  1. Lovely manis ladies! I'm not much into nudes, they do make a great base for nail art though

  2. So cute!! I love leopard print mani's! Loving your new nail shape too!

  3. Awesome recreation! This is leopard print. Cheetahs just have irregular shaped dots ;)

  4. Awesome recreation! This is leopard print. Cheetahs just have irregular shaped dots ;)

  5. Awesome recreation! This is leopard print. Cheetahs just have irregular shaped dots ;)

  6. This looks great and I like your nail shape, looks so cute!

  7. Beautiful nail art both of you! I've also learnt something new today about the whole leopard and cheetah print. Oops! Lol.

  8. I love the subtle colors and composition!

  9. Such pretty colors, love the soft look..
