Thursday, October 1, 2015

Review: Message Beauty Acetone Tonic

Hey y'all! Today on the blog I have a review of the acetone tonic from Message Beauty to share with you. As you'll read in my post, I am pretty damn excited about this new product and I can't wait for everyone to see it!

Let me start off by telling you a little bit about Message Beauty. Its a brand new luxury beauty line specializing in organic and cruelty free nail and hand care products. The friend of mine who owns the line is launching on October 9th and the acetone tonic is one of her initial launch items. 

Message Beauty Acetone Tonic in Margarita Scent 
What is acetone tonic? Okay so...its basically magic in a bottle. You know how pure acetone severely depletes the moisture in your skin and nails and leaves that white, crustiness around your nails after you use it? I DO! I usually avoid acetone for removal and just stick to using it for cleanup. Either way, it dries me out and requires that I use cuticle oil before I can photograph my manis. All of those things are things of the past if you have some of this tonic in your acetone. The tonic moisturizes your skin as you remove your polish or clean up around your nails instead of drying you out. This really saves me when I'm swatching because I don't want to have to wait in between polishes for my cuticle oil to soak in before taking my photos. I also like that I get all of the effectiveness of pure acetone without the harsh, drying properties. It leaves behind a faint smell of whichever scent you choose instead of leaving behind the yucky scent of acetone. I did a full demo of this product on my Youtube channel if you'd like to see it go head to head with pure acetone:

The instructions are to add a full tube of tonic to 8 fluid ounces of pure acetone and gently invert your container a few times to mix. The results change the color of your acetone but not its overall effectiveness. You'll notice that the scent goes away after you add your tonic to the acetone, don't directly sniff your acetone to find out. I already made that mistake. I'm sure my face looked something like this: 

This is a screen cap from a totally unrelated video. 

8 fluid ounces of pure acetone with acetone tonic

EDIT to add ingredients list, directly from the maker:
*Vegetable Glycerine
*Grapeseed Oil
*Vitamin E Oil
*Food Coloring

So here are the details of how to pick these up - they launch on October 9th at 10AM CST HERE and will retail for $4 each or 3/$10. You can also find Message Beauty on Instagram and Facebook or you can email her with any questions HERE

What do you guys think of this type of product? Have you ever used anything like it before? 

Thanks for reading!

Want to see more? Click below to find me! 


  1. I've always been intrigued by these but haven't tried any yet, they sound so perfect!

  2. Do you have an ingredients list for this?

    1. Good call! I forgot to ask her for those. I edited the post to reflect the ingredients.

      Vegetable Glycerine
      Grapeseed Oil
      Vitamin E Oil
      Food Coloring

  3. Thank you for the review! I'm pretty sure I need this stuff, especially because winter is coming (GoT moment). My cuticles get super dry during the winter, so anything that helps with that is a blessing!

  4. I need this ish in my life! Love the meme!!!!

  5. I need this ish in my life! Love the meme!!!!

  6. Great review! I loved my sample although I did wish it smelled more like margarita. I'm glad the acetone smell did tone down a little though. I can't wait for launch day!

  7. I've never tried this and definitely need to check it out. Love the do not look face!

  8. Awesome review! This sounds very intriguing.

  9. Great review! I can't wait for Message Beauty to launch!

  10. I am so excited for this product after your review! I can't believe what an awesome difference it makes!!

  11. Loved your video and review! I definitely need to try this for myself, it'd save a lot of time.

  12. Wow this sounds great!! Adorable hair btw

  13. How cool! I love the idea that you can find scents you like rather than just opting for store-bought acetone nail polish remover scents.

  14. Interesting. Why the food coloring? Any idea?

    1. I'm actually not too sure. I'm guessing make it look like margarita? I will ask!

    2. It is just to give it the coloring. Otherwise it just like line cloudy water which isn't always appealing. I've used food coloring for years in my son's bathwater and knew it's safety level and that it wouldn't stain the skin or nail, so that's why I went with food coloring as opposed to some other kind of dye.

      Feel free to leave a request in the notes section of your order if you'd prefer it to be food coloring free.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.
