Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Guest blogging from acidicice!

Hey y'all! I have something very special for you on the blog today. The very talented acidicice wrote a post for me to host on my blog and I wrote one for hers! That's right, we have a guest post feature today! I think I will be doing these more frequently because she was so easy to work with and her work is beautiful. Check her out over on her blog, and maybe take a look at my post over HERE! I hope you enjoy!


Hi everyone! I'm acidicice and I hail from Cape Town, South Africa. I've been painting my nails and dabbling in nail art for the last 2 years. I was super excited to be able to invade Karen's blog for a day and really hope I can live up to it! When Karen and I were discussing what we would do for our guest posts (that's right! There's a post up by Karen on my blog today :) ) I mentioned that I have never tried leadlighting and we decided that we would do that! If you haven't heard of this technique before, basically you use very sheer jelly polishes to "colour in" a stamped image. It doesn't have to be perfect, which is exactly the kind of technique I like since I mess up a lot :P This is the very first time I've tried this technique, let me show you what I came up with.



 I started off with my usual Tip Top base coat to protect my natural nails. I painted 2 coats of Sinful Colors Snow Me White as a base. Once that was dry I used essence black stampy polish with my large squishy stamper and plate BP-17 from bornprettystore stamp on all of my nails. Here is a picture of the plate I used:

I then set to work on filling the image in with small dotting tools. The polishes you use to fill in the image need to be very sheer so that the stamping shows up through the colour. That's why black is usually the stamping colour used when you leadlight. I ended up thinning my jelly polishes with clear to make them less opaque and I made my own jellies with clear and creme polishes. These are the colours I used: China Glaze You Drive Me Coconuts (pink), Are You Jelly? (purple), Flip Flop Fantasy (orange), Sinful Colors Rise and Shine (teal) and Rubybox For the Chill of It (blue). Once I had finished filling in the image on all of my nails I sealed it in with a coat of Seche Vite. Ta da! I would really love to hear what you think of my very first leadlighting mani :) Thanks so much to Karen for having me here on her blog. What an honour! If you would like to find more of my nail art you can check out my blog, Instagram, Facebook page or Twitter :) You can also catch me on Bloglovin'.




  1. Thanks so much for having me :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Beautiful! I love that image!!!

  4. Stunning! I need to try lead lighting soon!

    1. Thanks, Amy! You should. It is easier than I thought it would be :)

  5. This is so pretty! I really like this technique although I haven't tried it myself. :0)

    1. Thank you, Jenny :) You should give it a whirl. It isn't very hard!

  6. Wow!!! Absolutely stunning!!!!!

  7. That's brave that you decided to try something new in your guest posts, and the result is fantastic!

    1. LOL. I'm not sure if it's brave or stupid. Thank you!

  8. Wow this looks so stunning! Trying something different definitely paid off immensely.

  9. Wowza! This is hot stuff. Love it. I was supposed to get that plate with my last BPS order and they didn't send half of my stuff, including this plate >.<

    1. Thank you so much! That really sucks about your BPS order :(

  10. Love those colors with that image. Great job!

  11. Great job for your first time leadlighting, Heather! I love the design and your color palette.

  12. Love this manicure it looks great on your nails :)
    Like all the details as well!
